Tuesday, October 04, 2011

....about this and that.

Lucy sleeping on the bed.
Our two new dogs are beginning to settle in at our home and becoming part of our huge dog group.  Lucy, the little border collie from NEBCR is turning into a real cuddle dog.  Every evening she snuggles right up next to Ralph and sticks to him like glue until it is bedtime.  We figure it won't be long before she will not need a crate any longer.  I bet she will just sleep right against Ralph all night on the bed. Lucy has tons of focus and is really zeroing in on her agility lessons.  She also works extremely hard to keep this whole giant clan, including the people, all herded together neatly into one large crowd. Sadie, the sheltie, is putting on weight and turning into a real character.  She voices her opinion about everything going on in the household and is learning that is not always the accepted approach...lol.  She is taking to agility like a duck to water and is an outstanding jumper.  She is now learning how to weave through the weave poles and understanding it quickly.  For a seven year old dog, she has the same spunk as her daughter (Kati) who is only three.

Sadie (back) and Kati
I am still trying to rein in my anxiety and doing my best to turn all worrisome thoughts into positive ones.  It doesn't seem to lessen the anxiety yet but does help to train me how to question what I am thinking.  I saw a nice quote the other day that explained that by making one's inner peace, you generate outer peace around you.  Surprisingly, our home is pretty peaceful even with 7 dogs running around.  They all have the ability to settle down nicely and our home is a pleasant place to be.  In the midst of all this serenity, in inner thoughts can be running wildly amuck although I look just as calm on the outside as the setting I am in.  So...., I am working on my thoughts, stopping them, and replacing them with better ones.  This takes a great deal of effort but I am hoping the results will pay off in the long run.  Those of us who grew up in insecure childhoods had to remain vigilant to stay safe but now that we are grounded in security as adults, that intense vigilance is not needed.  What was once a positive habit to keep us safe has now become a negative habit that needs to be addressed.  So I will continue to challenge my thoughts.

Rain and leaves of early fall through the window.

We have had several days of heavy rain.  On the plus side, wells will not be low this year like they were last year and everything is still beautifully green.  On the negative side, we Mainers are hoping the sun comes back soon so we can get out and enjoy the autumn temperatures, go to the local fairs, and just enjoy one of the best seasons of the year.  Leaves in the southern part of Maine are just beginning to change their colors a tiny bit and some are falling to the ground, but for the most part, all that is still ahead of us to enjoy.     The photo I have put up is taken from my bedroom window and shows how the leaves are yellowing and beginning to fall on the side yard in the rain.  So the circle of life and the circle of the seasons go on here in the north east.

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